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Attorney Delivers Complete Bankruptcy Representation

Helbing Consumer Law advocates for overburdened clients.

Even if you are financially prudent, unavoidable circumstances can push you into a debt hole that you just cannot escape. At Helbing Consumer Law, we give clients the support and guidance they need to understand their options and rebuild their credit once the bankruptcy is over. We are loyal advocates for your legal rights and interests. Our firm operates on the principle that your financial future deserves to be saved without the added stress of having to deal with harassing debt collectors or filing on your own.

Petitioning for Chapter 7 bankruptcy to enable a fresh start

For people who lack the ability to repay what they owe, even with assistance from a court-ordered repayment plan, Chapter 7 eliminates debts and offers a fresh start. Helbing Consumer Law can guide you through each step of the process, which includes:

Means test – To file for Chapter 7, you must pass a means test based on income. Bankruptcy courts can reject Chapter 7 plans if they hold that the filer has sufficient assets to repay their debts. In these cases, a Chapter 13 repayment plan can be authorized. Automatic stay – Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy immediately halts litigation and other collection actions directed at you. The stay can stop procedures such as wage garnishment, collection litigation and even service cutoffs for unpaid utilities.

Liquidation and discharge – After a meeting to hear and address the concerns of your creditors, property that is not exempt under law is sold and the proceeds are distributed among the people and entities that you owe. When the process is complete, the debts are discharged, and you can start again with a clean financial slate.
Some debts cannot be discharged, and some property cannot be liquidated. We can look at your overall situation to determine whether Chapter 7 bankruptcy is right for you.

Advising businesses on Chapter 11 restructuring

Though it is available to anyone, a Chapter 11 bankruptcy restructuring plan is often used by businesses to survive while reorganizing their debt load. Though the automatic stay is put in place to stop collection actions, not all assets need to be surrendered under this plan. A filer can even obtain financing through loans or other instruments by offering favorable terms. At Helbing Consumer Law Firm, we can prepare and submit a Chapter 11 reorganization that establishes a feasible repayment schedule while maintaining revenue streams.

Assisting with Chapter 13 repayment plans to avert severe problems

If you are earning a steady income, Chapter 13 may be a workable debt-relief option. When you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, we will negotiate a payment plan to reduce your debt over a certain period of time, leading to forgiveness of any remaining debt at the end of the term. This option prevents foreclosures and interest accrual. By keeping your property and putting the brakes on extra charges and collections actions, you can maintain your way of life while steadily reducing your debt.

Dedicated counselor provides solutions to overwhelming debt

While bankruptcy offers relief to many in debt, it is not the best way for everyone to manage debt concerns. Helbing Consumer Law always provides a thorough review of your situation at our free initial consultation. We can help resolve your financial problems through other methods, including negotiations with creditors and enforcement of your rights as a debtor to be free from intimidation and harassment.

Contact Helbing Consumer Law for a free initial consultation

Helbing Consumer Law represents individuals, families and businesses in Texas who require legal advice on bankruptcy or other types of debt relief. Please call (888) 230-5032 or contact us online.